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​​​​​​​​​Motivational Speaking


Ask our world-class, college-admissions clients about the reasons that made them choose SavvyU and you’re likely to get many different answers. However, there’s one thing our undergraduate, graduate, and professional school applicants agree on--SavvyU delivers outstanding results based on expert insights.

Talented college-admissions clients collaborate directly with Lorraine Lyman, MS, MA, CPRW, NCOPE, to create essays, personal statements, supplements, portfolios, résumés, LinkedIn profiles, applications, and interview preparation that speak to their uniqueness at a level of depth and detail never imagined when the process began. Test scores go up by leaps and bounds! And, admissions rates are often unbelievable!

Students have been accepted at Harvard, Cornell, Stanford, Michigan, Yale, Berkeley, UCLA, University of Washington, WashU, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, Northwestern, Parsons, Pratt, SMU, and many more!

Check out the work.

Savvy Success Unlimited (SavvyU) is a leadership and talent development, motivational speaking, life and career confidence coaching, and college admissions consulting company for talented and ambitious leaders and employees excelling now and positively preparing for the future!

SavvyU's Vision

Create a world in which people thrive throughout their lives.

SavvyU​'s Mission

Help organizations grow and evolve while people increase their confidence, upskill, and enhance their leadership acumen to create opportunities and further establish themselves and their businesses as leaders in the marketplace who thoughtfully guide others and organizations into the future.

SavvyU's Values

With honesty, candor, intellectual insights, and a collaborative and competitive spirit, SavvyU embraces its responsibility to help people flourish.

Social Responsibility

As a social, organizational development, and educational enterprise, SavvyU is fully engaged in paying its success forward. 

College-Admissions Consulting

As a Leadership and Talent Development Professional, Motivational Speaker, Career Coach, Corporate Trainer, and College Admissions Consultant, I collaborate with organizations and ambitious leaders as well as current and future employees to help them meet and exceed business goals, objectives, and initiatives as well as gain clarity about their authentic personal brand based on natural abilities, skills, strengths, interests, values, assessments, and/or leadership style, which we leverage to create more insightful people, stronger teams, and better organizations!

These efforts help people and businesses promote their unique brands to create organizational, career, leadership, life, and college opportunities to level up companies and individuals as they move into the future.

My clients are able to tell persuasive, captivating stories and deliver impactful training with their unique promise of value throughout their companies' and individual career life cycles!

SavvyU's Latest Client and Former Client Moves

Lorraine Lyman, MS, MA, CCTC, CPBS, FCDC's Certifications and Professional Affiliations

​​​SAVVY SUCCESS Unlimited